Economic Competition and Consumption
16 de June de 2020

Call for papers

Dear author,

The Intellectual Property Department of the Universidad Externado de Colombia invites you to present a paper for the law journal La Propiedad Inmaterial, by August 28, 2020. For 20 years, the Journal has sought to serve as a channel of expression for researchers and to disseminate knowledge in the field of intellectual property and new technologies to all the academic community.

As a result, the journal La Propiedad Inmaterial has been classified by Colciencias as a Scientific Journal. It is also part of different databases such as Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Fuente Académica EBSCO, Latindex, Cengage Learning, Proquest, Dialnet, Latam-Studies, HeinOnline, SSRN, Clase, DOAJ y REDIB.


The publication is aimed for students, researchers, and professionals, interested in intellectual property, new technologies, the digital age, and biotechnology, as well as the problems faced by these issues in Colombia and abroad. Hence, we are looking for original papers in either English, Spanish, French, or Italian, which develop these issues. The paper will be reviewed by peers who will provide feedback on each article and recommend the Editorial Committee whether it should be published or not.


Each paper must meet the following formal criteria to be selected:


  • It must be an original creation of the author
  • Maximum of 12,000 words
  • Minimum 15 bibliographic references. National or foreign jurisprudence will not be considered part of the bibliographic references.
  • Footnotes and bibliographical references must use as citation guidelines either the ICONTEC, the ISO 690:2010, with footnote citations within the text, or Bluebook.
  • The paper must be sent in digital format as a Microsoft Word file
  • Title of the paper in the original language it is written, in Spanish and English
  • Full name of the author accompanied by his/her basic biographical data (university or institution to which he/she belongs, last academic title obtained and email)
  • Abstract from 95 to 180 words, in the original language the paper is written, in Spanish and English
  • 5 to 7 keywords in the original language the paper is written, in Spanish and English


Authors who wish to submit their papers should send them by August 28, 2020, to be considered for 30th edition, of July-December 2020. It must be sent as a digital copy addressed to Revista La Propiedad Inmaterial, Departamento de Propiedad Intelectual, Universidad Externado de Colombia, to the e-mail


The information above can be accessed in greater detail on the journal’s website using the following hyperlink:


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

