Innovation and Entrepreneurship
13 de February de 2014

On the status of intellectual property teaching in Colombia

Por: Ernesto Rengifo García - Director del Departamento de Propiedad Intelectual

propiedad intelectual externadoOn the status of intellectual property teaching in Colombia

Ernesto Rengifo García

There are three relevant questions that must be answered to determine the situation of intellectual property teaching in Colombia: “what for”, “why”, and “how” to teach intellectual property in a middle income country.[1]

The answer to the question of what for, has to do with the practicality of IP teaching in Colombia today. It also includes the analysis of the consistency and interdependencies between local and international public policies on IP, as well as what has been and is being taught in the country on it.

The answer to the question of why, requires an approximation to the origins: to those first moments in which Colombian academia became concerned about immateriality. It also involves exploring the context in which those desires were born and achieved, including the reasons and motives that inspired and have maintained them current.

Finally, the answer to the question of how, examines the structure of the current comprehensive IP curricula developed in the country, its academic emphasis and its achievements. It also requires to consider success factors, lessons learned, adjustments made and challenges to sustain its continuity.

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